The Essentials of Health Evangelism training is a 120-hour online certification course designed to equip you with knowledge and practical experience so you can minister to the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of your community.
Learn preventive medicine through the principles of health and natural healing.
Go through practical classes in hydrotherapy, massage and vegetarian cooking.
Learn how to bring health to your community through a variety of outreach methods.
Understand how to use the principles of health coaching effectively.
We offer up-to-date information assembled by a research team of experienced medical professionals, health educators, and pastors.
This class surveys the laws of health that govern our bodies and God’s plan for restoring health in mankind. Included will be discussions on natural healing and how to distinguish between true and false remedies from both revelation and science.
A thorough study of nutrients and how they are utilized in the body (vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc.), when and if supplements are needed, and how to achieve a nutritionally balanced vegetarian diet.
Overview of different diseases prevalent in society today — their causes, treatment, and prevention. Diseases covered include cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, and other communicable diseases.
This 15-hour class covers the basics of how to help someone achieve their health goals using a Christian perspective. It is a very practical course with several hours of actual coaching experience.
Learn the role of the health message as an entering wedge for both public and personal evangelism, endeavoring to pattern after Christ’s method of reaching souls. Practicum includes step-by-step instruction in making successful health expos.
A physiological and practical approach to the understanding and use of simple water treatments and massage for the prevention and treatment of common diseases and ailments. Video footage will cover all treatments in a step-by-step manner.
Learn how to prepare over 30 different pure vegetarian recipes. Topics include Breakfast, American and Italian Entrees, Breads & Cheeses, and Desserts.
How to prepare brief health talks, and present them in a way that will be interesting and informative to the public.
This class reveals God’s plan for a happy growing walk with Him and exposes the devices that Satan uses to weaken God’s people, especially in these last days.
A thorough discussion of the principled guidelines as revealed in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy regarding steps toward courtship, marriage, and a happy home.
Learn Biblical safeguards in both how to find God’s will in your life and how to give solid counsel to others seeking to follow God’s plan for their life.
Learn to share your faith and inspire others with God love’s and care in a variety of practical ways as we learn Christ’s method of reaching the people.
An overview of the main prophecies of the book of Daniel in an effort to better understand Christ’s work on our behalf, His dealings in the affairs of the nations, and His plan to prepare a people for His second coming.
Understand the importance of the three angel’s message in both the formation of the SDA church and in preparing a people for the return of Christ. Topics include the National Sunday Law, the Mark of the Beast, the Loud Cry, the Miracles of Satan, the Time of Trouble, and the Deliverance of God’s people.
An investigation on the role of the gift of prophecy culminated in the life and ministry of Ellen G. White. Emphasis will be given to her role in the development of the SDA church, and the miracles that testify to her work.
The importance and uniqueness of the Sanctuary Message to the SDA church. Includes study on the role of Christ in the Sanctuary and how it applies to Christian life today.
Catch the vision of Paul as an example of what laymen can accomplish for the gospel while working to support themselves financially. Study contemporary examples of this model in action.