Character Reference Letter for Child Custody: A character tells a lot about the person, and sometimes in life, there come many situations when you have to get a character certificate for yourself or someone connected with you. The certificate explains that the character of the person is clean and approved according to the norms of society.
However, sometimes, you might need a certificate from the court to submit it at a place of authority or jurisdiction. The reason is that the places of authority and jurisdiction require a formally and authorized certificate in the cases of court hearings, family battles or any other specific reason. It is basically a written statement on the defendant’s moral or mental qualities. The letter may also be required for child custody/drunk driving cases.
So, it is also important to know how a character certificate is drafted and the correct format, tonality, and words that will make the certificate valid and authorized. A custody letter for child custody is a hard battle to fight, but it is important to get the right certificate in order to win the case. The letter should be able to give the judge a more personal and in-depth reference about you as a person and a parent as well.
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So, it is important to know the format of the character reference letter for child custody .
The letter has to be a document explaining in detail about your experience with the recommended individual along with the reference for getting the letter done.
Name of Addressee
Organization Name
Organization Address
I ——— (mention your name) am writing to you on behalf of my —————— (mention the relation), in support of obtaining the custody of his only child, ———- (mention the name of the child).
Throughout all these years, ————————– (father’s name) has been a great guide, support, friend and ————— (relation) to the —————— child. Unlike other fathers’, —————— is a loving and caring father and also give time to the———————— child. He/she also makes sure that the amount of quality time they spend together will be a perfect memory for all of them to remember in the future. He/she also ensures that all the family and relationship values are imparted in the child and they grow up to be good human beings.
I can say all this because I am a regular visitor to their house and share a close bond and relation with them. During my visits, I have never seen them unhappy, fighting or quarreling with each other. So, it will not be wrong to say that the child is in perfect hands and will get a good upbringing and childhood in the custody of the —————- (mention the relation).
As a witness of the bond that ———– and ———— share, I sincerely hope ——- is awarded custody of —————-.
Your Signature
Hyatt Kramer
1011 Massa Av.
Kent ID 63725
(659) 551-3389
Howard Hayden
P.O. Box 847 8019 Facilisis Street
Joliet SC 73490
To the honorable Judge Howard Hayden,
I Hyatt Kramer writing to you for the case of my ------------------ (child custody). We got married in ------------------ (mention complete date). After dating through ------------ (mention the number of years) we decided to get married, but unfortunately, the marriage could not survive. We got separated in --------------------- because ------------------ (mention the reason).
So, now I would like to request the custody of my child, ---------------- (mention the name) and a supervised visit by ----------------------- (mention the name and relation). Since the separation, the child has been living with -------------- (mention the name and relation). The ----------------- has also agreed upon the ----------------- child custody. Since our separation, he/she has visited and met the child only ---------------- on the occasion of -------------- (mention the occasion).
Currently, I am living with ---------------- it --------------- and looking after all the responsibilities of the child. Furthermore, when the child will be living with me they will be able to maintain and continue the lifestyle and activities they were supposed to be doing throughout their growing up years. The supervised visitation will not only allow them to have a cordial relationship but will also reduce the risk of them facing anger and irresponsible behavior of their---------------. So, I would request you to kindly look into the matter and provide the child custody in the right hands.
Your Sincerelty
Hyatt Kramer
Hyatt Kramer
1011 Massa Av.
Kent ID 63725
(659) 551-3389
Howard Hayden
P.O. Box 847 8019 Facilisis Street
Joliet SC 73490
To Whomever It May Concern,
I Hyatt Kramer resident of -------------- (mention the address) is writing the reference letter for --------------- (mention the name of the parent) ---------------- (relation) of ---------------- (child’s name) to obtain the custody of the child. I have been a regular visitor to ----------- place and have known them since --------------, and I am his/her ____ (Your relationship with the guardian).
As a person, he/she is -------------- and has a great bond with ----------------------- (parent of the child). The child also has a great a bond and attachment with ---------------------- and together they make a great family.
I would request you to consider my reference letter and would consider ____ (name of the guardian) as the perfect guardian of the child.
Hyatt Kramer
Dahlia Lee
1293 Tincidunt Street
Atwater Pennsylvania 76865
(882) 399-5084
Jeanette Sharpe
Ap #364-2006 Ipsum Avenue
Wilmington Ohio 91750
(711) 993-5187
This letter is a formal notice for the temporary guardianship of ----------- Name of Parent or Name of Child ------------- (name of the child). The guardianship will be effective from --------------------- to ---------- (mention the date). The custody give the rights to make any decisions regarding medical treatments or other types of permission required by the child during this period.
The parents of the child will be out of town due to ----------------- (mention the reason) and will not be able to take the child along during that stay. However, the parents can be contacted at the below mentioned details in case of emergency.
Contact details of both the parents and address --------.
Parent or Parent’s Signature
Dahlia Lee
Rigel Koch
P.O. Box 558 9561 Lacus. Road
Laughlin Hawaii 99602
(725) 342-0650
Jeanette Sharpe
Supreme Court
Ap #345-3847 Metus Road
Independence CO 30135
(711) 993-5187
To Whomever It May Concern,
I Rigel Koch resident of --------------- (location) shares a close bond with ----------- (mention the relation) with ------------------ (mention the parent’s name) ------------- of (relation with the child) ----------- (name of the child) is requesting to obtain the custody of the child.
He/she is a loving and caring ----------- (father/mother) to the child and shares a great bond with the child. They will be a responsible parent and will perfectly take care of the child in every possible way.
I can assure you about them ---------as I share a close bond with them and know them from ----------- (mention the years). So, please look into the matter and give the custody of ----------------- in the right hands.
Yours Truly,
(Your Signature Here)
Rigel Koch