Oct 31, 2021 Chad Reynolds Metal Fabrication, TECH, Tech Stories, Videos, XL Spotlight, XL Tech Stories, XL Videos Comments Off on DIY Gooseneck Trailer Build: Building a Gooseneck Trailer From Scratch!
If you don’t own a trailer of some kind, and have never looked at one close, then you might not have considered building your own trailer. But if you have ever looked at one from underneath or up close, then the thought of building one on your own has probably crossed your mind. Depending on what kind of trailer you are going to build, it can be ultra simple or get fairly complicated. On the surface, trailers, in general, are all pretty simple affairs and that’s why building one at home, even one as large as the gooseneck, can be a reasonable project if you just have the right tools.
In this video you are going to see a gooseneck trailer go together in detail so that you too can be inspired to build your own. I think stuff like this is cool as hell and it certainly inspires me to build more things in the shop. So check out Waldo’s World and tell us what you think of this project. Do you think you have the skills to pull off a build like this? Or is it too big and daunting?
Check it out below and let us know what you think.